Anntenna Pattern Manipulables

For when visualization isn't enough

A reviewer suggested that some 3D printed antennas be made available for visually impaired students. They also make great gifts, and our lab has given away quite a few over the years.

STL files available on the project github.

Citation: Christopher, L., William, A., Rao, A. S., Dale, A., Chase, A., Joshi, M. P., … & Abernathy, B. (2018, October). Engineering and Informatics Student Multidisciplinary Learning using 3D Visualization and 3D Display of Radio Frequency (RF) Concepts. In 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

This work was funded by the US Navy (Office of Naval Research) grant N00014-16-1-2810, with the support of NSWC-Crane Division in Crane, Indiana.