Improving β-phase PVDF

Necessity is the mother of my MS thesis

Overview of processes which culminate in β-phase PVDF crystal structure. Crystal phases are denoted in circles with a depiction of the relevant configuration, physical processes used as a starting point for obtaining crystalline structure are denoted in squares. Compiled from [1], [2], [3]. Image source [4].

[1] Liuxia Ruan, Xiannian Yao, Yufang Chang, Lianqun Zhou, Gaowu Qin, and Xianmin Zhang. Properties and applications of the β phase poly (vinylidene fluoride). Polymers, 10(3):228, 2018.

[2] Kohji Tashiro. Crystal structure and phase transition of pvdf and related copoly- mers. Ferroelectric Polymers: Chemistry Physics and Applications, 28:63–182, 1995.

[3] P Martins, AC Lopes, and S Lanceros-Mendez. Electroactive phases of poly (vinylidene fluoride): Determination, processing and applications. Progress in polymer science, 39(4):683–706, 2014.

[4] Dale, A. S. (2020). Developing an approach to improve beta-phase properties in ferroelectric pvd-hfp thin films (Masters thesis).